Three Phase Electric Motors

Rototech are the providers of various types of three phase electric motors for sale . We make sure to serve your needs and requirements.

Pope Electric Motor

Main Features


Uses in the Industry

Pope High Voltage 1000V to 10000 V

Main Features


Uses in the Industry

Rototech Electric Motor-300V to 480V Multi Mount

These are squirrel induction motors that are cooled by an enclosed fan. It is MEPS approved

Main Features


Uses in the Industry

Three Phase Electric Motor: Mining Specification

Three phase electric motor is widely known as three phase induction motor. 80% of the mechanical energy provided in the industry is fulfilled by them, mainly because of: the simplicity in its design, low cost, good operating characteristics, absence of commutators and high regulation in speed.

Three-phase electric motor is:

Some of the main features of using three phase electric motor include:

Benefits of three-phase electric motor

However, there are some disadvantages as well

Some of the areas where three-phase electric motors are used are:

For further information and guidance, feel free to contact us on 1300 553 552

Three Phase Electric Motors